This is our planet

A world in which every human has it all!  

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This is our planet

This is our planet, mother earth, our home in the universe. The only reason why we am
Life are and can exist on this beautiful planet, is that she's somehow
has managed to provide us with the perfect combination of circumstances, the our existence here
have made possible.
«If you'd lost in space, and someone asked you: "where are you from? «,»
«you would display on this spectacular planet, you turn around and say: "I'm from the
Earth... the planet there. «You'd probably not say: "I'm from the
UNITED STATES; or Japan; or Australia...!
From a distance the Earth looks so beautiful, peaceful, healthy and unified, but the closer we get
the more we see the large breakers that were imposed on the industry, the this
Inhabit planet.
By day, when we are born, we are on so many different levels and
separated in so many ways, that we can no longer even see our separate being.
We are split by country, flag, province, religion, city, State, continent, which
We drive there, what job we have, what kind of school we visit, what sport we exercise,
Clothing brand, credit card, what beer we drink, what kind of music we hear and how much money
We have... being separated is infinite. Think about it we live in 'Apart'-ments (note d.
Ü. Engl. = separated apart).
Because of this separation, we admit, about our wildest imaginations, manipulated
and to be controlled. Without that most of us realize it was the principle of
» Share & conquer «successfully on our planet applied and very effectively used to us».
to keep under control and in a perpetual state of conflict.
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